Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum Dolor Sit Emmett, Konsektorer Edificing Elit Lahamit Karashek, Sachait Dez Ma, Menechum Lematchin Shaui Menorchgoler Montferrer Sobert Lorem Shebetz Yehol Laknutz Berir Gek Litz, and Shebagat. The tie that sat on the bed that was tailor-made – three and a half, they took off the hours of the day and the chait novas arashshef. This is from the summer clean, apah dalmat is dry.
To download PDF2021
The initiative was launched
The initiative was launched in January 2021. In the first year of activity of the initiative, the work focused on: laying the infrastructure for coordinated and effective activity
- , a large network has been built that includes a variety of actors from the public, business and social sectors
- ) from philanthropy and academia (link to a page on the website about the partners) agreements were built on a common agenda: goals and objectives were defined and an infrastructure was laid for an action strategy
- . Data and information were collected and the process of building an index to estimate the extent of the phenomenon was launched

The initiative gathering
In 2022, the initiative gathers around 5 dedicated action tables to create: torturers in relation to each of the issues
- Language and concepts
- Men
- Children and youth
- Torturing
- Information and awareness
Around each of these issues, there will be a table made up of representatives from all sectors and experts on the subject who will work together to create an action strategy and torturers who will help reduce the phenomenon from this aspect